As a working mother, many thinks that we are Super Moms. Because we can do both; working for a living and at the same time managing homes and taking care of family. Not only that, we are good in performing it. But what about when you are sick? Who takes care of home and family?
Vertigo signs
I wrote this content while recuperating in bed on my 3rd day of sickness, because I get bored doing nothing at all. My body is in pain all over in laying down, wishing to get this over as soon as possible.
I have a vertigo, this illness attacks me thrice or 4 times a year. While for 2022, this is my 2nd attack. It started in the morning of September 9 while doing my gardening. I was uprooting a grass on bended knees with my head down. Suddenly, I felt dizzy, not minding about it and continued doing so.
After gardening, I proceeded to do the laundry. I almost lost my balance when I reached for the clothes, this time I am having a slight idea. But I pushed through of finishing the laundry, I have to do this because it is listed on my calendar task today.
Soon I finished, I took a bath and again another episode of dizziness inside the comfort room. I did my shower quickly.
Afterwards, I proceeded to the dining table for lunch, I told my husband, “dad after taking lunch I have to take a nap because I felt dizzy.” Then he replied and worried, “oh! it must be your vertigo again, okay, then you must take a rest.” After eating, I took my medicine.
On my way to the room, my daughter asked me to help her school assignments. I replied, “Nak, I don’t feel good for now, I’ll just take a nap and help you after.” She had nod her head and said, “okay, I understand.”
This is it
The moment I lay on my bed, the whole room was swirling around, “so this is it, my vertigo attacks again”, I said to myself.” I closed my eyes and drowned to sleep.

When I woke up at 5pm, I felt very ill, I started to vomit and lost of consciousness. I am so thankful that each time this vertigo attacks me my husband and daughter know how to handle it. They are full aware that after I vomit the next thing would happen is I collapse thereafter. So they are really at my side, all work appointments of my husband are usually cancelled too.
I have to be confined in bed for 2 days without them moving or touching me, doing so makes me dizzy and vomits.
Who’s home in-charge
So who will do the household chores? Since we are only three at home, my husband does the cooking and all the heavy tasks. While my daughter does the lighter tasks, except for the laundry, it has to be put aside for awhile. Of course I would not expect of the same clean up output with me, I have to be more understanding and patient on this.
Although they are doing their best but still they forget some of the nitty gritty things. That is why, even I am sick, I have to remind them of some tasks, like; “hey! did you feed the dogs?” Sometimes the door and gate are left unlock or the stove valve is not closed. Even the laundry or the dried clothes were left hanging outside. I can not help but has to remind them on these. Nevertheless, I am grateful that they are taking care of me and trying to make their best in keeping our home.
A sweet reminder
Though I know very well that my husband loves me so much because of the things he has done for me. One concrete example is that he works smartly hard to achieve our couple goas of living a financially free retirement days, we are almost there at the moment around 80% has achieved.
But taking care of me when I am sick is something very special. He is extra tender although a little bit worried that I am in bad condition. This is a kind of sweet reminder on how he dearly loves me. Oh! I could not ask for more.
Final thoughts
Yes, we are super moms and we love taking care our homes and families, this is a mother nature instinct instilled to us. We want our love ones to be convenient on their everyday lives. sometimes we forgot ourselves just to serve them. But this is the joy of being a wife and a mother, seeing them happy and satisfied is the greatest fulfilment on our part.
I love to hear your thoughts about taking care of your own family. Leaving your comment below is very much appreciated. Thank you.
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