Do you ever wanted to beat the habit of procrastination?
What is procrastination?
Procrastination is an action of voluntary delaying or setting aside some tasks because you don’t feel of doing it.
It is no excuse, human as we are, we do feel it. I can’t help it but really feel amused each time I listen to this song;
Today I feel like not doing anything, I just want to lay in my bed . . .
Lazy by Bruno Mars
No kidding! even listening to this song, I feel procrastinated. I have to put aside for a while my task, close my eyes, and sway my body to the feel of the beat, : ) lol.

Why procrastinate
Every individual has his own reason of procrastinating, some of which are listed below:
Far from deadline
Since its deadline is far yet, there is this tendency of putting aside the tasks, and taking it for granted. “Oh! I have enough time to do this, no need to hurry, it is not important for now.” Indeed, you are just procrastinating.
Not in the mood
“I don’t feel like doing it now, promise I will do it later.” Obviously, you are not motivated to do the task right away or simply not in the mood to take the action.
There are many distractions that you can not resist. It could be a game or a hobby that you are addicted to. Maybe, an activity that you are so passionate about. Consequently, you are tempted to put aside the important tasks in exchange of those activities of distraction.
Too many at hand
Furthermore, when there are too many tasks at your hands, confusion attacks you, “what should I do first?” “Is this? or that one?” Hence, you are having a difficulty on what to prioritize at work.
Overcoming procrastination
If you are dead serious to beat procrastination, dealing it with conviction is a good option. Here, I have sight an effective solution on how not to procrastinate. Personally, this is what I am doing and I find it efficient and effective.
Set a deadline
When there is no deadline being set to every task that you have, you will be too complacent and more relax to perform. So, the longer the task is being neglected. Whereas, when a deadline is being set, there is a little push to make us move. You may not aware of it but there is this lifting energy that inspires you to move because of the time constraint challenge. People love challenges, aren’t we?
Mark your calendar
Now that the accomplishment date is set, marking your calendar is a must for tracking and reminder purposes. Before bedtime, always check your calendar of activities for the next day. Having a clear perspective first thing in the morning gives you more focus.
Moreover, it would be of big help if you schedule your tasks one week ahead of time.
Having a hard time choosing what task to do first? Well, you must prioritize the task that is very urgent and important over the other.
Manage your time
Most importantly, you must find time to every aspect of your life, hence, time management is crucial here. Unfortunately, life is a balancing act, it is like walking on a thin wire but the reward at the end is priceless. You may refer to my blog post on How To Manage Your Time For Family and Work, here
Final thoughts
Finally, it is about you. You have all the time in this world but the disposal is at your own hands. You may ask yourself “should I do this now, what shall I reap?” or “if I do this tomorrow, what shall I missed?
I love to hear your thoughts on how you deal with procrastination. Leaving your comment below is very much appreciated. Thank you.
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